This is an overview of the Cora SeQuence database for reporting purposes. This information focuses on the major tables and fields, it is not exhaustive.
When you call a Cora SeQuence OData Service, it does not respond, and the exception 'Bad Request - Error in query syntax' displays in Event Viewer and Fiddler.
This application helps with common tasks required for product installation and configuration. You need to run the toolkit on a machine where Cora SeQuence is installed.
Use the Email Listener Activity to listen to an email inbox and start or resume a dynamic workflow when a new email arrives to the inbox. You can then use the email object in other workflow stages.
You can log workflow execution in SVCLOG trace files for diagnostic and debugging purposes. This logging feature is enabled for each execution engine, from its respective configuration file.
Learn how to activate a new or updated Cora SeQuence license.
Configuring OpenID Connect authentication.
Tip on when to use the SQL NOLOCK table hint.
You cannot insert duplicate key row in object dbo.tblEmployees with the unique index IX_tblEmployees_fldEmpUserName_fldGroup.
Cora SeQuence8.3 facilitates broader integration capabilities, brand new analytics and dashboards to manage and gain insight into your environment, and role-based workflow security assignment