Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1. Working with Dynamic Tasks

    Any user in the solution can retrieve dynamic tasks from the solution's resource group. You can only add dynamic tasks to HotOperations solutions.
  2. Workflow Development Best Practices

    Workflows are the core of business process management. It is important that you develop workflows according to best practices.
  3. Data Insert Activity Overview

    Use the Data Insert Activity to insert data from a dynamic workflow to either a Sequence database or external database.
  4. API Setup Guide

    How to integrate Flowtime data display with an independent ASP.Net web application, leveraging the Cora SeQuence .NET API.
  5. Define a Connection to an External Storage System

    Most File Activities require you to define a connection to the external storage system that you are saving a file to, retrieving or deleting a file from, or creating a folder in.
  6. Button Control Overview

    Button control is a standard Telerik control, which includes the features and functionality, such as ToggleButton, of the following buttons: ASP.NET, ImageButton, LinkButton, RadioButton, and more.
  7. Cora SeQuence Authentication Methods

    List of authentication protocols and methods supported by Cora SeQuence.
  8. Authenticate Users

    Use the API to authenticate users with Windows authentication or user name and password authentication.
  9.  Configure One-Click Action for a Task

    Enable end users to complete a task by clicking a link in the task's notification email.
  10. Database Listener Activity Overview

    When you use the Database Listener Activity in a dynamic workflow, the activity causes the workflow to wait for a specified value to update in the field of a database table. When this field is update